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日期:2016-07-12 15:45:18 来源:admin


1992年本科毕业于辽宁师范大学化学系获理学学士学位,2002年硕士毕业于沈阳药科大学获生药学硕士学位,2006年博士毕业于沈阳药科大学获药物分析学博士学位。主要从事中药药效物质基础、中药质量控制与质量评价、神经退行性疾病活性成分筛选及中药干预、天然药物、复方中药新药及功能食品开发研究。2015年 11月-2016年 1月在葡萄牙国家农牧研究院葡萄与葡萄酒研究所做高级访问学者。曾先后主持并参与国家、省市各级科研课题 30多项,目前正在承担国家自然科学基金面上项目(基于多信号通路的五味子抗抑郁、改善睡眠作用机制与“组分-效应”关系研究)1项;国家科技部中医药行业科研专项子课题(我国水生、耐盐中药资源合理利用研究及辽宁省西部4县中药资源普查试点)1项;辽宁省自然科学基金优秀人才培育计划项目(基于体内过程的中药镇静催眠活性组分筛选研究)1项。以第一或通讯作者在国内外核心期刊发表论文70多篇,其中SCI收载30余篇。参加编写教材7 部;申请国家发明专利11项,授权2项。2005年获沈阳市科学技术进步二等奖1项;2013年获沈阳市科学技术进步二等奖1项;2014年获辽宁省科学技术奖励二等奖1项;2015年获沈阳市自然科学学术成果三等奖。2008年被评为沈阳市科教系统优秀共产党员,2009年入选辽宁省高校班主任(导师)骨干。





4.我国水生、耐盐中药资源合理利用研究及辽宁省西部4县中药资源普查试点,国家科技部中医药行业科研专项子课题,起止年月:2014.5-2016.3,经费 40万元。
















1.Tingxu Yan, Mengjie Xu,Bo Wu,Zhengzheng Liao,Zhi Liu,Xu Zhao,Kaishun Bi and Ying Jia*.The effect of Schisandra chinensis extracts on depression by noradrenergic, dopaminergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic systems in theforced swim test in mice. Food & Function, 2016,7:2811-2819 IF:2.686

2.Tingxu Yan, Lei Shang, Mengshi Wang, Chenning Zhang, Xu Zhao, Kaishun Bi, Ying jia*. Lignans from Schisandra chinensis ameliorate cognition deficits and attenuate brain oxidative damage induced by D-galactose in rats. Metabolic Brain Disease, 2016, 31(9): 635-661 IF:2.603

3.Xu Zhao, Chunmei Liu, Mengjie Xu, Xiaolong Li, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Total lignans of Schisandra chinensis ameliorates Aβ1–42-induced neurodegeneration with cognitive impairment in mice and primary mouse neuronal cells. Plos One, 2016, 11(4): e0152772 IF:3.057

4. Xin Mao, Zhengzheng Liao, Lin Guo, Xuan Xu, Bo Wu, Mengjie Xu, Xu Zhao, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*.Schisandrin C ameliorates learning and memory deficits by Aβ1-42-induced oxidative stress and neurotoxicity of Alzheimer’s disease in mice.Phytotherapy Research, 2015, 29 (9):1373-1380 IF:2.694

5. Xu Zhao, Tiancheng Ma, Chenning Zhang, Shaohuai Shi, Sijiao Cui, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Simultaneous determination of senkyunolide I and senkyunolide H in rat plasma by LC-MS: application to a comparative pharmacokinetic study in normal and migrainous rats after oral administration of Chuanxiong Rhizoma extract.Biomedical Chromatography, 2015, 29: 1297-1303 IF:1.729

6.Shaohuai Shi, Xu Zhao, Aijing Liu, Bing Liu, Huan Li, Bo Wu, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Protective effect of n-butanol extract from Alpinia Oxyphylla on learning and memory impairments. Physiology & Behavior, 2015, 139:13-20 IF:2.461

7.Xu Zhao, Xin Mao, Xuan Xu, Xiaolong Li, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Determination and pharmacokinetics of

linarin in rat plasma after intramuscular administration of linarin solution and Yejuhua injection by HPLC.

Biomedical Chromatography, 2015, 29: 164-166 IF:1.729

8. Chenning Zhang, Xin Mao, Xu Zhao, Zhi Liu, Bing Liu, Huan Li, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Gomisin N isolated from Schisandra chinensis augments pentobarbital-induced sleep behaviors through the modification of the serotonergic and GABA ergic system. Fitoterapia, 2014, 96:123-130 IF: 2.345

9. Xiaolong Li, Xu Zhao, Xuan Xu, Xin Mao, Zhi Liu, Huan Li, Lin Guo, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Schisantherin A recovers Aβ-induced neurodegeneration with cognitive decline in mice. Physiology & Behavior, 2014, 132:10-16 IF: 2.976

10. Zhi Liu, Xu Zhao, Bing Liu, Aijing Liu, Huan Li, Xin Mao, Bo Wu, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Jujuboside A, a neuroprotective agent from semen Ziziphi Spinosae ameliorates behavioral disorders of the dementia mouse model induced by Aβ1–42. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2014, 738:206-213 IF:2.532

11.Shaohuai Shi, Xu Zhao, Bing Liu, Huan Li, Aijing Liu, Bo Wu, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. The Effects of sesquiterpenes-rich extract of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. on Amyloid-β-Induced cognitive impairment and neuronal abnormalities in the cortex and hippocampus of mice. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2014,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/451802,1-11 IF: 3.516

12.Chenning Zhang, Xu Zhao, Xin Mao, Aijing Liu, Zhi Liu, Xiaolong Li, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. Pharmacological evaluation of sedative and hypnotic effects of schizandrin through the modification of pentobarbital-induced

sleep behaviors in mice. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2014, 744:157-163 IF: 2.532

13.Aijing Liu, Xu Zhao, Huan Li, Zhi Liu, Bing Liu, Xin Mao, Lin Guo, Kaishun Bi, Ying Jia*. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, an antioxidant agent from Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. improves cognitive impairment in Aβ1–42mouse

model of Alzheimer's disease. International Immunopharmacology, 2014, 23:719-725 IF:2.475

14. Binbin Wei, Qing Li, Ronghua Fan, Dan Su, Xiaohui Chen, Ying Jia*, Kaishun Bi*.Determination of monoamine and amino acid neurotransmitters and their metabolites in rat brain samples by UFLC–MS/MS for the study of the sedative-hypnotic effects observed during treatment with S. Chinensis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,2014, 88: 416-422 IF: 2.829

15.Binbin Wei, Qing Li, Dan Su, Ronghua Fan, Longshan Zhao, Lulu Geng, Bosai He, Xiaohui Chen, Ying Jia*, Kaishun Bi*. Development of a UFLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of six lignans of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. in rat plasma and its application to a comparative pharmacokinetic study in normal and insomnic rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2013, 77(15): 120-127 IF: 2.947

16. Binbin Wei, Qing Li, Ronghua Fan, Dan Su, Xiuli Ou, Kelin Chen, Xiaohui Chen, Ying Jia*, Kaishun Bi*.UFLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of six lignans of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. in normal and insomnic rats brain microdialysates and homogenate samples: towards a in-depth study for its sedative-hypnotic activity. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2013, 48(4):448-458 IF: 3.214